Friday, January 10, 2025

Democracy delayed is democracy denied

 Jim McMahon OBE MP

Minister of State (Local Government and Devolution)

Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government

2 Marsham Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 4DF

Cc. Emma Alexander, Chief Executive, Derbyshire County Council

Dear Minister,

I write regarding the policy paper English Devolution White Paper published 16th December 2024, which invites expressions of interest from local authorities by 10th January 2025.

Since your announcement there has been no formal discussion within the elected councillors in Derbyshire on the Governments proposals. However, I understand that the Leader of the Conservative Group may have written to you on this matter.

As councillors we felt it was important to make you aware that there has been no consultation within the Council. Previously when we created Vision Derbyshire (joint working with Boroughs and Districts) there was active dialogue with all Districts and Boroughs, when this progressed to a request for an East Midlands Mayoral Devolution Deal and to create EMMCCA (East Midlands Mayoral Combined County Authority) we had a sustained debate and discussion within Council and a resolution was agreed. This time? Nothing. 

Further, the Mayor was only elected last year and with that devolution deal came a pledge from your own Department that it would not be followed by a local government re-organisation. This is not the time for you to renege on that pledge and to cancel our scheduled elections this May.

If a submission has been sent in that asks, calls or intimates that elections should be cancelled, that submission has not been agreed or authorised by Derbyshire County Council. 

In short, no consensus has been achieved by the Leader - he has acted alone and without support or agreement from the Council.

Please allow the Mayoral Devolution Deal to settle and achieve its goals and do not cancel the 2025 elections in Derbyshire.  Cancellation is a cheap attempt by a failing and unpopular Conservative Administration at County Hall to undermine and subvert the role of the newly elected Labour Mayor of the East Midlands. Indeed when the Conservative Leader was not elected to a role in the Mayoral accountability structures, he immediately withdrew Derbyshire’s funding. At every stage the Conservative Leader of Derbyshire has sought to undermine and stymie the Mayoral Devolution Deal after he failed to secure his party’s nomination for the very role of Mayor. 

Please, if Unitary status is to happen then enable Derbyshire to go through the due process and not be propelled into a fast track which it does not need. That fast track approach has not agreed and is only sought by a Conservative Leader wanting to cling onto power for another year by cancelling the elections.

I ask that you allow Derbyshire to vote in May 2025. Democracy delayed is democracy denied. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely 

Cllr Ed Fordham 

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire County Council, Smedley Street, Matlock, Derbyshire.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Let Derbyshire vote in 2025

Statement from Cllr Ed Fordham and the Liberal Democrats: Let Derbyshire Vote in 2025

I am both angry and disappointed in equal measure at the actions of Cllr Lewis.

By calling for a cancellation of the elections his action are entirely self serving. The people of Derbyshire deserve the right to vote on the last 8 years of Tory cuts.  For the elections to be cancelled would be a disgrace and I would say illegitimate.

I can confirm that I will also be submitting a letter to the Secretary of State urging that  the elections go ahead. Cllr Lewis has no mandate from the Council, no public support. His request is ‘not in our name’.

Knowing he will be ejected by the voters he is seeking to cling to office for another year. Cllr Lewis is running scared.

He claimed Vision Derbyshire was all of us working together, it was Council that voted for a Mayoral Devolution Deal. That consensus is now being smashed.

Cllr Lewis lacks courage and can no longer be trusted. I am utterly appalled at this high handed action. We will oppose his actions even if the Labour Government are giving him a free pass - the people of Derbyshire deserve better.

My message to the Government is quite simple: Let Derbyshire Vote in 2025.

Democracy delayed is democracy denied.

Cllr Ed Fordham
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Derbyshire County Council

Democracy delayed is democracy denied

 Jim McMahon OBE MP Minister of State (Local Government and Devolution) Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government 2 Marsham Str...