Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hitting the ground running

Seeing the issues of plastic all around me, still in use in the Coutny Hall, and still being justified by local mineral water suppliers I decided to table a mation to the Council AGM:

Motion received from Councillor E Fordham seconded by Councillor S Burfoot
This council notes
1. the widespread ambition to end all single use plastic in Derbyshire, the UK and globally
2. the climate change commitments this authority has made
3. that Buxton Spring can be locally sourced in recycled and recyclable bottles 

This council resolves:
1. to source locally, preferably within Derbyshire, when purchasing food, drink and all hospitality
2. to stipulate that such procurement will cease any purchase of nonrecycled plastic and to follow this up with 100% recycling of such bottles.
3. to seek to end the procurement of any plastic in this context and to cease the culture of single use plastic water bottles

This was subsequently amended and passed by the Full Council to read:

This Council resolves:

1. To continue to source locally, preferably within Derbyshire on the relatively rare occasions when food and drink is purchased for hospitality

2. To continue to avoid the purchase of non-recycled and single-use plastics

3. To carry on offering extensive recycling facilities throughout the authority’s buildings.

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