Friday, August 13, 2021

The 2nd Edward Carpenter Equality Walk

 SPONSORED WALK on Sunday 29th August for Derbyshire LGBT+


(PLEASE NOTE: Due to the off road and cross country type route we are taking this year vehicular support will not be possible, although there will be a first aider walking with us, we don’t want to put anyone at risk. Therefore, those that wish to join us on the walk this year must be physically able to do so, we will be crossing a number of stiles and the firmness of the ground cannot be guaranteed (especially being bank holiday weekend!). However - you still have an important part to play - it would be great if you could see us off and join the Mayors’ convoy to meet us at Millthorpe).

The 2nd Edward Carpenter Equality Walk raising money for Derbyshire LGBT+. Sunday 29th August 2021. Walking from Chesterfield to Millthorpe

To donate for the sponsored walk please go to:

On Sunday 29th August the walk will be started by the Mayor of Chesterfield. Depart from the Car Park and Cafe of Holmebrook Valley Park. S41 8XP at 11am. Arrive The Royal Oak, Millthorpe. S18 7WJ  approx 2pm, where we will be greeted by The Chairman of North East Derbyshire District Council

The walk is about 5 miles in length and the chosen date is Edward Carpenter's 177th birthday.

This year the walkers will take a route that is more 'off road'. It will be suitable for anyone who is used to fairly basic steady walking but it does involve following rural footpaths, traversing styles and bridleways.  There will be some stewards to ensure that when roads are crossed the walkers are safe.  We strongly recommend that you have strong walking books as much of the terrain will be grass and mud and it may have rained in the days before.

The route would have been known to Edward Carpenter who often walked to and from Chesterfield (as this was a time largely before cars and mechanisation).

We celebrate Edward Carpenter as an English socialist, author, poet, sandal maker, vegetarian, Market Gardener (he sold his produce on Chesterfield Market), environmentalist, feminist and  LGBT+ rights campaigner.  Indeed in 1895 when Oscar Wlde went to prison and mich of gay London had to flee to Paris, Edward Carpenter living in Derbsyhire was quite literally the last gay man standing in Britain.

For  information on the walk please check out the Facebook event: The 2nd Edward Carpenter Equality Walk, for information on Edward in the local area check out the page: The Chesterfield Letters of Edward Carpenter.

To confirm your availability and participation email:

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