Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The most Derbyshire debate possible

I have today submitted the following motion for debate at the County Council on Wednesday 1st December 

Enhancing the Peak District National Park

Proposed Ed Fordham, seconded Sue Burfoot

This Council notes:

1.    The 90th anniversary of the mass trespass of Kinder Scout on 24th April 1932

2.    That the Peak District National Park – itself 70 this year - was the first created in the UK following the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act in 1949

3.    That the Peak District National Park Authority is a valued partner to the County Council and provides focus and function to the work of preserving and enhancing our environment

4.    The publication of The Glover Report entitled Landscapes Review: National Parks and AONBs, and its significance for Derbyshire and our economy

This Council resolves:

1.        To set up a cross party working group comprising the Leaders of all political groups or their nominated representative, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Environment and the Chairs of the Improvement and Scrutiny Committees – Places, and Climate Change, Biodiversity and Carbon Reduction:

2.        To engage with the Landscapes Review with the following principles:

a.     Honestly reflecting our opinion in respect of the service the National Park Authority has provided

b.    To consider carefully the new and enhanced powers being proposed

c.     That this is a good time to seek views within Derbyshire on the Park Authority and its role and powers

d.     To reflect positively on what will work best for the future for the Peak District, the people who live and work there, and the assorted local government authorities.


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