Thursday, January 27, 2022

Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

Tonight (Wednesday 26th January), a group of residents, along with the Mayor of Chesterfield gathered to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

The event, where a large number of candles were lit, and reading and poems were shared, was coordinated by Cllr Ed Fordham.

Ed said “I believe it is really important that we never forget and that we learn the lessons of the Holocaust and past genocides.  My grandfather served in WWII and saw the camp of Bergen Belsen. I myself have worked in The Balkans and been to Srebrenica where there was modern day genocide as recent as 1995.

“Each year I have lit candles on my own drive in the form of a triangle of lights but decided that this could be a more public commitment. Accordingly working with fellow councillors, The Mayor, Derbyshire LGBT+ and Chesterfield’s Stand up to Racism. Tonight we gathered in New Square and made the commitment to never forget.

“In the aftermath of the Holocaust of WWII gay men were kept imprisoned after camp liberations as being gay was still a crime under the penal code of most countries.  Upon learning this I pledged for myself - NEVER AGAIN. NEVER FORGET.”

Thanks also to Cllr Shirley Niblock and Cllr Jill Mannion-Brunt for their support.

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