Thursday, May 5, 2022

Save Our Care Homes

Today I handed in the petition of 3,919 signatures against the proposed closure of the Derbyshire County Council Care Homes & I took a photo of the box of the signatures before hand. 

Lucky I did as the Portfolio Holder Cllr Natalie Hoy refused to have a photograph with me as the recipient of the petition. 

Declining to have a photograph might be fine, but there was no real dialogue in the meeting with Cllr Hoy, no sitting down to discuss the petition, when I asked a question about the process the answer was pretty blank & the engagement nil. There is a part of democracy where people are held to account. 

Sadly it seems that Derbyshire County Council and Cllr Natalie Hoy has forgotten this basic principle and have retreated within the confines of County Hall to sit behind a desk and make decisions that are at risk of damaging the lives of local residents in Care Homes.

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