Monday, March 20, 2023

Unlocking and revealing our rivers

For too long the rivers of Chesterfield - the Rother, Hipper and Holmebrook have lain neglected and in too many cases hidden.

In many places you drive and walk and cycle over them and don’t event know. Where they run and flow at street level there are often calls and barriers to prevent them being appreciated and seen.

All the evidence and much research confirms that the closer we are to flowing and standing water it helps with calming our emotions and relaxing us. In a busy and hectic world we should protect and enhance these rivers and streams as crucial elements of our town.

That is why I am proud and delighted to use some of my County Council Community Leadership Fund to resource explanation boards on the River Holmebrook.

Initial boards are at the Monkey Park end of the Holmebrook and the next phase will be at the Loundsley Green end of things. Huge thanks are due to Don Catchment River Trust for their work making this happen - it’s a great addition to the local community.


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