Saturday, October 12, 2024

Autum Report


From the Liberal Democrat Group on Derbyshire County Council.  This report is circulated for the four Liberal Democrat Derbyshire County Councillors.


Last year, at almost exactly this time I wrote:

”The County Council managed to achieve a £26million over-spend in the first four months of the year. This level of budget variance places the Council on course for bankruptcy and so emergency measures have been put in place to seek to avoid these.”

Now, a year later, the Council is reporting a budget overspend in the first quarter of £20million.

If repeated through the year this would multiply to £80million. That won’t happen, but it does mean that the Council is making deep and savage cuts to try and balance its books.

Perhaps the most worrying feature of the reporting we are getting is that the anticipated savings are coming in under-budget. In other words, it is unlikely that in- year savings will meet the short fall, but services will be ceased, closed or cut instead. The other factor is the raiding of reserves. In the last two years the County Council has burned through £100million of reserves already and there is a pro-active selling of property and assets to try and find the cash.

The grim reality is that the Council does not have the money to deliver the services it would like, and that successive Governments of all political persuasions have underfunded local government to the point of crisis.

Will this new Labour Government reverse the under-funding and give local government more money – it might – but I fear not to the extent that is actually needed.

As a Liberal Democrat Group we have constantly and consistently pushed for better scrutiny of the Council’s finances by councillors – this has been partially successful and for the first time, this years budget went before one of the Council’s scrutiny committee. Secondly, we have objected to the way the Council spends its money and are the only party that has voted AGAINST the Conservative budget each year (labour always abstain), and third we have warned that the selling of asset and the raiding of reserves is foolish and ultimately in the long term – self harming.


As you will be aware, councillors can table and ask written questions, the relevant Conservative Portfolio reads out an answer and we then get a follow-up question. Since I have been asking more questions of the Conservative Administration, they have moved questions to being virtually the last item on the agenda in an attempt to silence us.

Here are the four questions I tabled at the meeting this week – 9 October 2024

1. Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor C Cupit, Cabinet Member for Highways Assets and Transport “What dialogue has taken place regarding the Chesterfield footbridges over the A61 between the Highways department and Chesterfield Borough Council regarding making the bridges less accessible for attempted suicide?”

2. Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor A Dale, Cabinet Member for Education “What measures are in place in schools in Derbyshire to aid, support and assist staff and pupils in the face of attempted suicide by young people?”

3. Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor C Hart, Cabinet Member for Health and Communities “What measures have been taken since the last council meeting by social services regarding the further attempts at suicide in Chesterfield amongst both adults and children?

4. Question from Councillor E Fordham to Councillor J Patten, Cabinet Member for Children and Families “What is the policy for the timing of responses to parents for children services, upon receipt of a concern about child protection, and how many days should the parent wait before getting a call back from Children Services?” 

The debate around the issues I have raised about suicide were quite constructive and I felt I made some progress on this difficult topic, in persuading councillors to take the matter more seriously. Rather than try and summate the discussion I will circulate the verbatim account when it come out from the Minutes Officer and Democratic Services. As a group we have taken the view that it is the role of a Liberal Democrat to tackle difficult subjects and have the courage to take a stand when others won’t. I hope you agree.



With the change of Government the Conservative Group have decided to go onto the attack against the Labour Group and accordingly there was a motion criticising the cut in Winter Fuel Allowance.

The motion was unduly partisan, and the Labour Group sought to amend it to no-avail. The truth of the matter is that both were playing party politics.

As Leader, I’m able to say that we voted for the Labour amendment (which was defeated) and for the Conservative motion unamended.

If asked we can report that, when given the opportunity, the Liberal Democrats on Derbyshire County Council voted to condemn the Labour Government on cutting the Winter Fuel Allowance. 

As ever, if there are issues you wish to be raised by me or any of the Liberal Democrat Group, please do get in touch


With all best wishes,


County Councillor Ed Fordham

(representing Loundsley Green and Newbold)

For and on behalf the Liberal Democrat Councillors

on Derbyshire County Council.

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