Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Our Gang of Four

Each councillor is elected as an individual - I am a Liberal Democrat and represent Loundsley Green and Newbold...

But I am also elected to Derbyshire County Council and have a duty and responsibility to think about the wider and whole picture of the entire county of Derbyshire.

This is often very acute with, for example, our responsibility for looked after children where each of us has a corporate responsibility for those in our care. I use this example when people ask what is the point of local government. We are the front line in the support and welfare of some of those who need help the most and who sometimes have no-one else.

But further, we operate as a political group and I have the good fortune and privilege of leading the four Liberal Democrats who are on the county council.

We try and speak as a team, we liaise between ourselves and we work together. This tries to give us a stronger and more effective voice for those we represent.

My Liberal Democrat

colleagues are Cllr Sue Burfoot, Cllr Paul Niblock and Cllr Barry Bingham.

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Questions to next council

  To ask what progress the Council has made in changing forever the patching of road failures, pothole and poor surfaces and moving to a sch...