Sunday, June 13, 2021

Books and the telephone box

For reasons of my equality campaigning and my love of Edward Carpenter I often find myself in the Derbyshire village of Millthorpe.

The telephone box there has been converted into a book exchange that is, after Covid-19, being gradually moved back into active use. This is a good thing. Books are to be encouraged.

In my work I also run Brockwell Books of Chesterfield - a small stall on Chesterfield’s open air market every Thursday and Saturday.

Book reading is to be encouraged and so I’m making an open offer to any Derbyshire community telephone box book exchange - if any of you want a new refresh of books then let me know and I will happily drop a box of random books, in good condition, round to you for your community. There will be no charge,  

Us booksellers have to encourage reading and support bibliophiles and I seek to do what I can.

You can get in touch on

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