Friday, June 4, 2021

Proud and Inclusive

I’ve been an active and out member of the LGBTQ+ communities for many years now, but I’m very aware that for many people, many organisations and many traditions this is a different land.

For many LGBTQ+ campaigners sport has been a difficult sphere... There are too few out sports men and women, too few safe spaces and too little engagement.

Here in Chesterfield we have one of the largest, more colourful and impressive Pride festivals and this year is scheduled for Sunday 18th July. The event will be on Stand Road Park and everyone is welcome - just go on-line and buy a ticket and you and your friends and family will be more than welcome.

But the bigger challenge is to get the wider community to engage and join in the celebration and to roll back the fear of hate and anger and enable greater and deeper inclusion.

This year Chesterfield Football Club have been stepping up to the plate. They have been visible and demonstrative on their commitments and you can now go into their Superstore Shop and buy three different rainbow badges.

Thank you Spireites.

As a club for whom Thomas Hitzlsperger played Chesterfield FC have a duty to reflect on the difficulties on being out and gay and identify with the LGBTQ+ communities. Thomas came out after his retirement and is to this day the highest-profile male footballer to do so.

Go on, go and buy a badge - this tiny gesture is a key signal to enable people to be themselves and achieve the talent and ability. 

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