Friday, March 10, 2023

Chesterfield’s Cup of Care

It’s 6.33am as I type this and I’m already in tears. I’ve just been walking the dog - it’s cruelly cold and has been freezing all night.

As I the doggo and I walked past the back of the Town Hall in Chesterfield a guy shouted and screamed: he had dropped his cup of tea. I realise he was one of a pair of guys who had clearly slept out last night.

Shocked at how cold it is, upset at their plight I rushed hone, made a flask of tea and walked back with the flask and two mugs and gave it to the lads.

Whatever the reasons, whatever the cause, it is unacceptable in this day and age that anyone is sleeping out on the streets of Chesterfield in this weather. It is even worse that they have fallen through the safety nets to protect them in extreme weather such as this.

So I’m asking for any independent cafe who is willing to serve homeless and rough sleepers to contact me. I’d like to kick start a scheme in Chesterfield where anyone who is homeless or a rough sleeper or who can’t afford a hot drink to go to a cafe, ask for a Cup of Care and without any fuss, they will be served a hot drink of their choice. I in turn, will underwrite the cost and pay for this privately.

Is there any independent cafe who is willing to help me start this scheme? We have to ensure that the homeless, the rough sleepers and the low income residents of our town are at least warm and have a hot drink. 

Please, independent cafes of Chesterfield please contact me on WhatsApp you can help me set up a Cup of Care scheme: Ed 07974 950 512

EDIT: two cafes have been in contact and we hope to have local schemes up and running this week or so...

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