Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Thank you for the road surfacing

 There has been a break in reporting service here and apologies for that... but we are back and it’s with good news...

For years now I have been raising the issue of the terrible road surface in and around my ward - this has been especially bad around the one way system in Cross Street and Tennyson Avenue.

The surface has been deteriorating and the patchwork of pothole repairs by the County Council has been totally unsatisfactory.

Since I was elected to the County Council I have raised this issue again and again on full Council. I have asked, begged, pleaded and yes, protested.

Well after two years of my direct complaints I am pleased and proud to see the work has been done. Indeed it has been done so well and to such a high standard that it is almost a work of art.

There are other roads that are as bad and in need of work and I shall be pushing for this - but there are few that were such main roads, so heavily used and outside a school where the traffic and cycling use was so high. So it’s thank you Derbyshire County Council for a job well done on Cross Street, Tennyson Avenue and the Hawksley Avenue crossing.

About the other streets... I have a list

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Questions to next council

  To ask what progress the Council has made in changing forever the patching of road failures, pothole and poor surfaces and moving to a sch...