Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Questions to the County Council

As you will be aware, councillors can table and ask written questions, the relevant Conservative Portfolio reads out an answer and we then get a follow. Since I have been asking more questions of the Conservative Administration they have moved questions to being virtually the last item on the agenda in an attempt to silence us.

Here are the four questions I have tabled for the next meeting.

  1. With the cancellation of the midlands leg of HS2, to ask the Council if it will stand by all of its financial obligations of support to reconnect and complete the Chesterfield Canal restoration in the same timeframe
  2. To ask what monitoring the Council undertakes of badger deaths in and across Derbyshire and particularly how many dead badgers have been found and removed on roads, footpaths, and highways by DCC for each year since 2017?
  3. To ask if the Council will take new and additional measures to monitor and support schools in the face of reported increases in incidents of homophobia, transphobia and associated hate actions towards members of the LGBT+ communities in Derbyshire?#
  4. To ask if the Leader regrets reporting ‘nothing’ to the last meeting of Council under the verbal ‘Report from the Leader and questions from councillors?

As ever, if there are issues you wish to be raised by me or any of the Liberal Democrat Group please do get in touch ed.fordham@gmail.com

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Questions to next council

  To ask what progress the Council has made in changing forever the patching of road failures, pothole and poor surfaces and moving to a sch...