Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Recalling the animals

I placed this in the Facebook page Dog Friendly Chesterfield last week, and we successfully have the display at Chesterfield Town Hall, a wreath at the Holmebrook Valley Park lead free area, at Newbold Parish War Memorial and in a growing number of chapels and churches. 

REMEMBRANCE WEEKEND - recalling animal gallantry.

This morning, before dawn, myself a few other animal and dog lovers set up the animal Armistice Tribute on Shentall Gardens in front of the Town Hall at Chesterfield.

The purple poppies have become the symbol of service animals. The ribbons represent the colours of the Dickin Medal for animals which was instituted during WW2.


It is too little known that many of the military animals have service ranks, service numbers, bravery medals and yes pensions. They should be recognised alongside everyone else.

Yesterday I, as a Group Leader on Derbyshire County Council, laid both a red and a purple poppy wreath at Matlock County Hall for the third year running.  The reception there from staff, fellow councillors and dignitaries has been overwhelmingly supportive.

Please do take time to go and see the memorial in front of Chesterfield Town Hall. Each of the stakes has a hand knitted poppy and the respresent each of the animal recipients of The Dickin Medal for Gallantry. 


This is the third year we have done this - the first year was at Holmebrook Valley Park (2021), subsequently at the RSPCA (2022) and this year 2023 at Shentall Gardens. We would welcome offers to host the memorial next year for the duration of November.

If anyone wishes to obtain a purple poppy stake to add to the display at the Town Hall or to have at home, in their garden perhaps, can come to my book stall on Chesterfield Market or TwelfthCraft in the Shambles in exchange for a donation to animal charities. There are purple poppies also for sale at the RSPCA shop on the side of the Chesterfield Markets and Market Hall.

Best wishes, Ed, Convenor, Dog Friendly Chesterfield

Footnote: there is still some resistance and reluctance to this from some sections of the Royal British Legion. I urge anyone who objects to speak to any of the dog handler veterans. Those Dog Handlers are strong and active and passionate advocates of the purple poppy - they know of the loyalty and service of animals that has, for too long, been overlooked.

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