Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The 5th Edward Carpenter Equality Walk



As you may be aware there is a growing appreciation and revival of the work of Edward Carpenter (1844-1929). Edward was a radical, an author, poet, philosopher and an advocate and activist for lgbt+ equality.

For 40 years of his life, he lived and worked in Chesterfield and Milthorpe in North Derbyshire. Indeed, he lived here openly as a gay man with his life partner George Merrill (1891-1928).

For the last four years a group of us in Chesterfield have organised The Edward Carpenter Equality Walk from Chesterfield town centre to the village of Millthorpe. It is some 6 miles or there abouts (pub to pub!) and raises money for the charity Derbyshire LGBT+ which support the lgbt+ community, young and old and campaigns for the equality.

The first year of our walk we were joined by Peter Tatchell which made the event very special indeed. Next year will be the fifth walk and this letter is to ask if you would consider joining us.

The walk will take place on Sunday 1st September 2024 – we start at 11am in Chesterfield and arrive at Millthorpe at about 1/1.30pm. it is a lovely event and a stunning cross country walk and if you could join us it would be our pleasure.

Please do let me know if this is possible.

Best wishes.

Ed Fordham amd Sparky the Husky 

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