Monday, April 22, 2024


This next round of Care Home closures is a betrayal and a disgrace and flies in the face of all the words and speeches and guarantees given previously. The Conservative administration at County Hall is literally putting the Council on a course that is entirely negative, closes homes, puts pressure on the NHS and will harm residents and patients.

The people who have put their trust in the Council in old age and at their hour of greatest need are being betrayed, sold off and literally evicted. I could not be more angry, more upset and more worried. This literally places the lives of those who live in care homes on the line. The stress and the worry will, as it did before, lead to people dying early. It is sickening. 

This is a brutal approach, it is the approach of a Council that has failed and it is wrong.

The Council can blame who they like - but the raw truth is this is the direct result of the policies of the Conservative Party locally and nationally and the guilt lies firmly at their door.

The moment of truth will come when councillors vote in the Chamber and we will see who is voting to harm residents of Derbyshire. It will isolate those who live in our homes in trust, and we will see who is voting to evict them.

The Liberal Democrat Group stands firmly
In favour of the residents, retaining the care homes and against closure.

Cllr Ed Fordham, Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Derbyshire County Council.

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